Wednesday, October 20, 2010

J Lo's kids Gucci ads

Welcome to the family business, Max and Emme Anthony! Jennifer Lopez’s 2-year-old twins joined their diva mom for a photo shoot on the beach in Malibu yesterday. The shoot was for Gucci, which, coincidentally, is launching a kids’ fashion line in November.
So are the adorable tots the new poster children for Gucci’s children’s line? J. Lo’s rep didn’t return our call and a rep for Gucci wouldn’t confirm or deny it, so we are guessing that’s a yes.
The shoot yesterday was truly a family affair. Proud dad Marc Anthony stood on the sidelines and helped play baby wrangler as the kids posed with their mom in a series of shots on the sand. At one point, he stood by the photographer to make sure the kids were looking at the camera and later chased Emme as she made a break for it (as toddlers are prone to do).


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