Monday, October 25, 2010

Ryan Gosling was not a fan of the Mickey Mouse Club

US Weekly reports - Starring on The Mickey Mouse Club alongside Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, and Justin Timberlake as a kid had its downfalls, says Ryan Gosling.
"It was kind of depressing because when I got there, they realized that I wasn’t really up to snuff in comparison with what some of the other kids were able to do," he tells the November issue of Interview magazine.
During his two-year stint on the Disney revival, Gosling, now 29, danced backup for Aguilera, Spears and Timberlake.
"I remember one time they put four of us in a dance routine, but I was so off," he recalls. "I was on the end, so they just pushed the shot in closer on the other three guys to frame me out. I would just come in at the beginning of the show and then come back at the end, and occasionally I’d have a sketch here or there, but I didn’t end up working that much, which was disheartening."

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